Are you a candidate for orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontics is dental treatment for all people. No matter how old you are, orthodontic treatment is regarded as the most effective way to improve your teeth health, appearance and especially general health. The most common misunderstanding is that orthodontic treatment is only for the children while the fact is that children undergo orthodontic treatment in their young ages can gain the best result in very short time and this dental treatment also works on adults effectively.

What is the best time for orthodontic examination and diagnosis?
Permanent teeth start erupting in the stage 6-12 years old. This is the general age where the first molars and incisors surface, which allows orthodontists to determine if there will be misalignments. Early orthodontic examination and diagnosis at this stage is fundamental preparation for further orthodontic treatment which brings the most effective result in the stage 8-14 years old. These early years are often the precious time of life when these treatments work most effectively.
In mixed dentition stage (The stage on which deciduous teeth gradually fall out and then are replaced by permanent teeth), children may be indicated to wear functional education orthodontic device if there is potential malocclusion sign, which is known as Interceptive orthodontic treatment. This device’s main function is to guide jaw growth and permanent teeth into correct position. It also helps correct bad oral habits that do harm to your children teeth, which is aimed to prevent or intercept more serious problems. Thanks to this interceptive treatment, any later treatment is much less complicated.

Further treatment with braces for children can only be processed when all permanent teeth erupt and the Interceptive treatment phase is unable to correct completely the malocclusion. Children gain much benefit in the long run from early orthodontic treatment, when they are children. However, this does not mean that orthodontic treatment in adults is impossible. A person of any age can be successfully treated by an orthodontist.