No1 Dental has been applying successfully Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) of Swiss Dental Academy in periodontal treatment procedure. GBT is a therapy that not only provides considerable benefit to periodontal patients but also maintain the health of teeth, prevent gum diseases at early stage.

Step 1: Diagnosis
Screen and evaluate each clinical case
Step 2: Dental plaque disclosure

It is not easy to discover dental plaque with naked-eyes. Dentist may show where dental plaque remains to patients when it is disclosed. In addition, disclosure is critical part of effective biofilm removal to the dentist.
Step 3: Motivation
Dentist raises awareness of patients on dental plaque build up and periodontal disease prevention. Thorough instructions on oral hygiene is given to make sure patients attain good understandings.
Step 4: Airflow – leading Swiss technology in biofilm removal
Completely eliminate biofilm, stains and calculus which stick to the natural teeth or restoration teeth surfaces like dental crowns, bridges or implants. Air-flow cleans and polishes in one procedure
Air-flow ensures the discard of dental plaque and calculus which are considered key factors causing tooth decay, periodontal disease, mucositis & peri-implantitis.
State-of-the-art Airflow technology is able to remove biofilm in the sulcus area and shallow pockets up to 4mm, on the tongue and gingiva as well as on the palate – all in a minimal-invasive way to maximize patient comfort.
Heavy sticky stains on the teeth surface left by smoking, coffee and wine can also be removed
Step 5: Perioflow – clean periodontal pockets

Perioflow helps remove biofilm in pockets whose depth range from 4mm to 9mm and up to 9mm surrounding dental implant. Enamel and dentin are highly preserved during the initial and follow up (SPT) periodontal therapy. Perioflow provides enhanced accessibility due to the flexibility of its nozzle compared to conventional handy device
Step 6: Piezon
After using AIRFLOW, dentist continue to remove remaining supra and subgingival calculus with the PIEZON NO PAIN PS instrument
Step 7: Control
After professional cleaning procedure, dentist does a final check the remaining dental plaque and calculus removal to ensure calculus is fully removed
Step 8: Recall
The dentist schedules recall frequency in regard to risk assessment.
Frequent checkups help keep periodontal disease under control and prevent recurrence.